Users Institution Settings

The Users screen contains the institution settings for use in the User Management module.


The fields on the Users screen are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
Link Group to Agent primary role Whether to link the user's Agent primary role to a group when a new group is applied to a user in User Management.
User validation password message The message displayed to users when a password is entered that does not meet the pre-defined password validation.
User validation password pattern The password pattern for valid user passwords.
Number of failed login attempts before account is locked

The number of failed login attempts before the user account is locked.

This is set to 3 by default.

Failed login account lockout time (minutes)

The time (in minutes) that a user account is locked for.

This is set to 60 minutes by default.

Message displayed to the user when an invalid username or password combination is entered

The message displayed to the user when an invalid username or password combination is entered.

You can edit the default message that is displayed if required.

Message displayed to the user when the user account has been locked out

The message displayed to the user when the user account has been locked out.

You can edit the default message that is displayed if required.

Default password expiry length (days)

The default number of days before a user is prompted to change their password for users that are configured to have a password expiry (that is: where the Password Expires check box is selected for a user in User Management).

This is set to 90 days by default.

Include date of birth check on password reset

Whether to include a date of birth check when an ebs: ontrack Hub or ebs: ontrack Learner Hub user resets their password. Select from the following:

  • Y - If this is set to 'Y', then date of birth is checked for all users (that is: staff and non-staff). This is the default setting.
  • N - If this is set to 'N', it is never checked in any password reset circumstance.

Reset Password Link Time Limit (mins)

The time until an ebs: ontrack Hub or ebs: ontrack Learner Hub user's reset password link expires.

This defaults to 30 minutes.

Allow Ontrack users to login with registered email address Whether to allow users to log in to ebs: ontrack Hub and ebs: ontrack Learner Hub with their registered email address, as well as their username.
Show forgotten password link in Ontrack Hub Whether to display the 'Forgot your password?' link on the ebs: ontrack Hub home page.
Show forgotten password link in Ontrack Prospect Whether to display the 'Forgot your password?' link on the ebs: ontrack Learner Hub home page.
Create Parent Hub Account Link Time Limit (mins) The time until an Ontrack Parent Hub user's reset password link expires.

This defaults to 30 minutes.

Restricted passwords Error Message The message displayed when the password used is a common password.
Restrict common passwords

Whether to restrict the most common passwords. User can set the following:

  • Y - If set to Y then all common passwords are restricted.

  • N - If set to N then common passwords can be used

Allow staff member password reset without security questions

Whether to allow a staff member to reset their password without security questions. This is applicable to both ebs: central and ebs: shape. Select from the following:

  • N - If this is set to 'N', staff will be required to have security questions and must correctly answer their security question to perform a password reset.
  • Y - If this is set to 'Y', staff are not required to record or answer security questions to reset their password.
Allow non-staff password reset without security questions Whether to require users who are not members of staff to use security questions when resetting their password.